Available Now: Spicee Cajun - Comic Book, Cards and Posters To order, click “Add To Cart” below: Spicee Cajun - Ebony Foxx Comic Book: $2.99 _________ Spicee Cajun - Collectible Cards (8-Card Set): $3.99 ___________ Spicee Cajun - 11x14 Glossy Poster Print: $14.99 About Spicee Cajun : Beautiful and Bodacious make’s up the model we know as Spicee Cajun. Through hard work, determination and a spirit of resilience this Brazilian born sensation was raised by her strict eastern star Americanized grandmother. Spicee built her career single-handedly, she knew that she was a Star and was encouraged by her mother alongside her urban orphaned lifestyle and humble beginnings, to always aim high. S he began professionally modeling in 2010 and shortly following Spicee has done sever...