To order, click “Add To Cart” below:
Spicee Cajun - Ebony Foxx Comic Book: $2.99
Spicee Cajun - Collectible Cards (8-Card Set): $3.99
Spicee Cajun - 11x14 Glossy Poster Print: $14.99
About Spicee Cajun:
Beautiful and Bodacious make’s up the model we know as Spicee Cajun. Through hard work, determination and a spirit of resilience this Brazilian born sensation was raised by her strict eastern star Americanized grandmother. Spicee built her career single-handedly, she knew that she was a Star and was encouraged by her mother alongside her urban orphaned lifestyle and humble beginnings, to always aim high. She began professionally modeling in 2010 and shortly following Spicee has done several music videos and films. Views on YouTube for Spicee’s videos have amassed to over 2 million.
Facebook: Spicee Cajun and SpiceeCajun
Twitter: @Spiceetheillest
Sponsor the Spicee Cajun Model Page - You Can Donate Any Amount!
When making your donation, enter "Spicee Cajun" in the purpose section
Donate $10 > Receive 8 of my picture trading cards and 1 comic - Add $5 for Shipping Outside U.S.
Donate $25 > Receive 8 of my picture trading cards, 1 comic and 1 poster - Add $10 for Shipping Outside U.S.
Donate $50 > Receive 8 of my picture trading cards, 1 comic and 3 posters - Add $20 for Shipping Outside U.S.
Donate $100 > Receive 16 of my picture trading cards, 1 comic and 6 11x14 posters - Add $30 for Shipping Outside U.S.
We need to support this project!!!